Hot Occupancy Tax

Hotel Occupancy Tax


The Town of Fulton requires that a 7% Hotel/Motel Tax be collected on any room/house/condo that is rented on a daily/weekly basis (less than 30 consecutive days). This tax is due and payable on the 30th day of the following month. If not paid within 60 days of this due date, interest is added at 5% per annum. If not paid within 90 days, a 5% penalty on the total tax due the Town will be imposed.

Town of Fulton hotel occupancy reports, you may download and complete the Hotel/Motel Tax report. Fulton Form here.

Upon completion, simply print and submit to the Town of Fulton along with your payment. The reporting period is on a quarterly basis. However, you may submit payments monthly.


Town of Fulton

P.O. Box 1130

Fulton, TX 78358


Total Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax collected in the Town of Fulton; Texas in Aransas County area is 13%. The breakdown of the 13% in taxes is as follows: Fulton 7% and State 6%, Aransas County Venue Tax 2%. Please see below links to pay the other two entities tax.   

The State portion is reported and remitted to the State. Comptroller Website

Aransas County Venue Tax is reported and paid to the county. Aransas County Website